How Doctors Want You to See Screens so That You Don’t See Them

Earlier, there was just the idiot box. Now there are smart phones and computers. Our eyes are more glued into screens than ever before. So how do you protect your eyesight?

If you work continuously in front of computers or are hooked to your smartphone, you need to take care of your eyes. Otherwise, your eyes can hurt in many ways:

  • Watery eyes
  • Ruined sleep
  • Eye twitching
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Eye irritation

But worry not. There are certain ways to maintain healthy eyes while working with digital screens.

Change computer to eye level

Make sure you always look down on your computer screen. As a rule of thumb, keep your eyes level with the top of your screen. And keep your screen straight in front of you.

right way to look at computer screen
She’s got it right

Take frequent breaks

Experts suggest that you take frequent breaks from watching your screen. At all costs, avoid working constantly for more than 2 hours. Take breaks of around 15 minutes.

Adjust brightness

Don’t just reduce your brightness to zero. Prolonged exposure to dim light is harmful to your eyes. Instead, keep adjusting your brightness to match the surrounding light.

Blink more

Fact is that we blink three times less when working on our screens. So make a conscious effort for blinking as usual.

perfect blink
Perfect blink

Tip: Blink by completely covering your eyes. Here’s a video to help you master the art of healthy blinking.

Avoid glare

Make sure that there isn’t any reflected glare from windows and lights. Get an anti-glare screen guard if possible.

Don’t get too close to your screen

Staring closely at a screen strains your eye muscles. You’ll notice that when you’re close to a screen, you tend to blink less (which is harmful for your eyes).

keep distance from screens
No wonder he got spectacles

For computers, a comfortable distance would be around 50 to 65 centimeters. For your smartphone, enlarge your screen and make things easier to read.

10-10-10 rule

After 10 minutes of viewing your screen, look into a distance 10 meters away for at least 10 seconds. Eye experts believe that this routine will allow your eyes to refocus.

These 7 simple changes should keep your eyesight protected.

You also need to take extra care by feeding your eyes with green leafy vegetables. And if you’ve got glasses, your doctor can help you correct your vision for screen viewing.

For more suggestions on optimal eye health, do consult an expert with the ProElp app.

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